Articles in English, 1975-1980
- 1975b. Prabodh Bechardas Pandit. In H.S. Gill, ed. Parole and Langue. Pakhaa Sanjam (Occasional Papers in Anthropological Linguistics), 8 : xiv-xxiv.
- 976a. Negation in Bengali and the order of constituents. IL, 37.4 : 295-303.
- 1976b. Diglossia in Bengali : A study of attitudes. Papers in Analysis 1: 94-99.
- 1977c.Reflexivization in Bengali. IJDL, 6.1 : 8-23.
- 1978a. Some aspects of interrogation in Bengali, Assamese and Oriya. (Jointly with S.K. Bandyopadhyay). Papers in Linguistic Analysis, 2 : 19-34.
- 1979c.Agreement rules, language universals and Maithili. SALA (University of Illinois), 1: 107-114 .
- 1980a. Relative clause formation in Maithili. Nepalese LinguisĀtics, 1 : 27-39.
- 1980b.Comments on `On rule ordering in Bengali phonology’. IL, 41.2 : 91-101.
- 1980c.Bole : An unresolved problem in Bengali syntax. IL, 41.3-4 : 188-195.
- 1980d. Verb agreement hierarchy and falsifiability. Papers in Linguistic Analysis, 3 : 45-56.
- 1980e. Scriptal choice and spelling reform : An essay in language and planning. Journal of the M.S. University of Baroda, Social Science Number, 29.2 : 173-186. A modified verĀsion reprinted E. Annamalai, Bjorn Jernudd and Joan Rubin, eds. Language Planning: Proceedings of an Institute. Mysore: CIIL. 405-417.