Welcome स्वागतम স্বাগত জানাই
Welcome to my world of writing. I write regularly in two Indian languages besides English, and they are – Bangla and Maithili. Inherited Bangla (or, Bengali) from my mother who hails from Mymensingh - now in Bangladesh, and Maithili from my father who originated from Saharsa in North Bihar. I have also occasionally written in Hindi which I was exposed to only from my parents who both taught Hindi literature in the University of Calcutta. My translations from Sanskrit (having been a student of Sanskrit College, Kolkata) or Gujarati (five years of teaching in Gujarat) or French have also been liked by many. Also translated from some other Indian and European languages jointly with authors.
My Bangla writings are published under the name : উদয় নারায়ণ সিংহ. In Maithili, I write under the pen-name of ‘Nachiketa’ (नचिकेता). If you wish to know more about this name which comes from an ancient Hindu fable
Udaya Narayana Singh - Poetry International

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