Research Articles, 1999-2004
- 1999b. Subjecthood hierarchy in Maithili. In Yogendra Yadav, ed. Readings in Maithili Language, Literature, and Culture. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy 26-40.
- 1999e. `You’ and other poems. Indian Literature, 189: 125-129. (Contemporary Indian Poetry; Jan-Feb no.)
- 2000a. Sociolinguistics thus far and further. In R.S. Gupta, ed. Directions in Indian Sociolinguistics. Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study. 27-40.
- 2000b. Thoughts on transcreation of texts. In R.E. Asher & Roy Harris, eds.Linguisticoliteracy. Delhi: Pilgrim Books. 462-487.
- 2001a. Multisciptality in South Asia and language development. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 150 In Stephane Grivelet ed. Special volume on Diagraphia: Writing Systems and Society. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 61-74.
- 2001b. (With S.K.Singh) Perceived subjective value of mother-tongue and its preservation in a bilingual speech community in India. In: New Delhi: Bahri Publications. 166-89.
- 2002a. Linguistic landscaping: An Overview. In Udaya Narayana Singh, N.H. Itagi & S.K. Singh, eds. Linguistic Landscaping in India. Mysore: CIIL 7-19.
- 2002b [2051]. Hamar patik lel. Pallav, 2.1.18-19. (in Maithili).
- 2003. Life after death: Patterns of Language loss in South Asia. In Jennifer Lindsay & Tan Ying Ying, eds. Babel or Behemoth: Language Trends in Asia. Singapore: Asia Research Institute. 57-76.
- 2004a. Undertranslation, overtranslation and loss of meaning. Translation Today, 1.1: 57-91.
- 2004b. Agency of Language. In Udaya Narayana Singh, N.H. Itagi & S.K. Singh, eds. Language, Society and Culture. Mysore: CIIL 6-22.
- 2004c. (with Suchita Singh) The possible and the impossible in Bengali word formation: Some problems in nominalization. In The Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics (ed. By Rajendra Singh) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 37-53.